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In the past, our comics used fictional “SUPERHEROES”. “What Heroes Do” features actual everyday heroes and kids who become special heroes because of the decisions they make every day to stay drug free and always be the best they possibly can be.
While reading this comic, you will learn of kids your age who are put in a situation in which they have to use skills they learned from their parents and at school and then work together to save the life of their friend.
The Elks are totally committed to giving you factual information about the use of illegal drugs and the abuse of legalized drugs. We have developed many educational and fun tools that will teach you how to be a good friend and a good citizen.
We want you to realize that there are many ways to be a hero, and you do not have to wait until you’re an adult to be one. You can be a special hero right now by doing what you know is right and having the courage to say NO to the things you know to be wrong.

The “Avengers” are helping the Elks combat Bullying, Under Age Drinking and the Abuse of Pharmaceutical Drugs. The Avengers battle alien robots to show our children that if are being Bullied and pressured to use Alcohol and Pharmaceutical drugs you can always find help and that you are “Never Alone” because help is available and do not be afraid to ask for that help.
The printed version is not yet available but soon will be sent to schools across the country who have requested that Marvel education material be sent to them.
Spread the word that you are “Never Alone” and someone will always be ready to help you lead a safe and drug free life.