Alcohol Stats
Be Careful What You Facebook
All Sickness Aint Death
ELKS PSA 002 PrescriptionFuneral 071912
Milts Dad
Selling Drugs
Just Be You
ELKS PSA 003 PrescriptionAll 071912
Know When to Run
Milts Prom
Reading Books
Dirty Dancing
Spring Break
Doing the Right Thing is Hard
Common Courtesy
What Kind of Person Are You
Words Hurt
Promise to do 1 thing
Feeling Bad
Dont Believe the Hype SATs
Cyber Bullying
Relationships - Parents
Relationships B-G
Legalizing Marijuana
Michael Jackson
Too Much Too Soon
Text Messages
Practice Makes Perfect
Dress Appropriately
ELKS PSA 001 Marijuana 071912
Prescription Drugs
I Want to be a Drug Dealer
Feel Bad 2
Mistreating Women
Personal Freedoms
Reason Alcohol is Illegal
Books Over Movies
Cyber Bullying
Make It Fun
Life Aint Play Play
My Daughter the Stripper
Be Careful What You Text
Going Green Cree Nation alt version
Prescription Drugs 2
Alcohol Stats
Prepared for Test
Public Displays of Affection
Your Future
Listen to Teachers
Facebook Friends
Meth Ward
Mom and Dad Use Drugs
Bad Influences
Texting and Driving
One Special Skill
Hot Iron Story
Personal Discipline
Good Decisions
Morphine Death
Going Green
Invest In Your Dreams
Work Ethic 2 - China
Electronic Media
Bad Influences

A Parent’s Guide To Preventing Inhalant Abuse
It can kill suddenly, and it can kill those who sniff for the first time.

Get Smart About Drugs
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) announces the launch of the all new

The Truth About Marijuana
Get the truth about marijuana

Drug Abuse: Marijuana
What it is:
Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in the U.S. It’s what gets produced when someone takes the hemp plant and grounds up the leaves, stems, flowers, and seeds. The active ingredient in marijuana is a chemical called THC, but it also contains over 400 other chemicals! It’s usually brown, green, or grayish in color, and has a very noticeable smell. Marijuana is usually smoked and sometimes eaten.

VA Kids
Our nation is grateful to veterans – the brave men and women who have served in the military and have made tremendous sacrifices to protect our freedom.

About Veterans Day
Great Britain, France, and other countries celebrate November 11th as Armistice Day to
commemorate the ending of World War I on November 11, 1918. Fighting ceased at the 11th hour,
on the 11th day of the 11th month. Canada celebrates Remembrance Day on this same date.