Even though Spiderman and the Fantastic Four are good friends of mine, most of us don’t meet Super heroes everyday, but a lot of you know American heroes.
Some of them are Marines, some are in the Navy, some in the Army, Some in the Air Force and Coast Guard. They are men and women who protect us from all enemies. Some are fathers, some are moms, some are brothers and sisters, but they are all heroes.
When they get out of the service, we call them veterans and even then they are still heroes.
That’s why we have a holiday in November to celebrate our vets: VETERANS’ DAY.
We also take the time to celebrate our heroes who lost their lives for us: MEMORIAL DAY.
Along with my friends, the Elks, I try my best to always let the older veterans know how much we appreciate them. So if you know anyone who’s military, please tell them thank-you.